Dubuque and the Tri-State area are ready to welcome the arrival of a Chicago-Dubuque Amtrak rail passenger service. The State of Illinois and Amtrak plan to inaugurate service to Rockford in the near future with one round trip daily, then moving to two trips thereafter. The vision calls for continuing the route onto Dubuque as soon as possible. The train will be called the Black Hawk with Illinois and Amtrak working in conjunction with the Canadian National Railroad for the return of the service to Dubuque and the Tri-State area.
Passenger rail is a critical part of Dubuque’s economic development, education, and tourism effort. The public, economic and environmental benefits are many, including:
• Helps create jobs, improves our nation’s transportation infrastructure and assists in providing transportation alternatives to Tri-State citizens and the Midwest;
• Supports the framework of livable, sustainable communities;
• Returns for every public dollar of investment (including long-term costs of operation and maintenance), by delivering $1.70 back to the public in reduced costs for transportation, fuel and pollution;
• Attains $92.9 million in total economic impact in corridor benefits per year;
• Rail Travel is weatherproof;
• Creates job growth estimated at 367 total jobs created by the project, including 192 directly related to infrastructure improvements; creates further construction and operation jobs once the line is running with expanded economic development opportunities in those communities near the rail lines and stations;
• Reduces highway congestion saving time and fuel in traveling costs, reduces greenhouse gas emissions including 235,000 gallons gas saved and a reduction of 5.7 million VMT (vehicle miles traveled);
• 79 mph is the rated speed for the route. 60 mph average speed makes a Dubuque to downtown Chicago trip in under 4 hours; well under that possible by car or even by air (assuming time at the airports is considered);
• Enhances intermodal connectivity with local transit and bus services with rail and air in the Midwest and beyond;
• Passenger rail is a comfortable way to travel, providing working time with wi-fi connectivity or socialization time when traveling;
• Provides travel connection from city center to city center with immediate connection to transportation systems, eliminating the need for parking and related expense in inner city areas.
The above data is a compilation of data from an earlier study of the route which means impact and benefits would certainly be greater today. Over 2.9 million residents live within 100 miles of Dubuque and Galena, over 5 million annual visitors come to the Tri-State area, spending in excess of $752 million annually. Over 60,000 Dubuque, Galena and Tri-State residents along with visitors to the area have signed petitions of support. Your support is invited.
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Offer further support by your tax-deductible gift payable to
Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque-Ride the Rail and mail to
Ride the Rail
PO Box 213
Dubuque, IA 52004-0213